
Stay True 2 You is the small business I started after one of the hardest times in my life. In that time, I had tried customizing a shirt for an event and it took me hours to find somewhere to get it done. I have always had these ideas in my head for shirts, decor, you name it, but I couldn't find exactly what I had in mind. I am one of those people who never found their name in stores on the custom items they had. That's the big reason behind what I do for my shop. I offer everyone that customization they can't find elsewhere. Stop searching the internet for hours trying to find what you have in mind. Send me what you're thinking, and I will help you put it together! I will not stop until it is perfect for you! 

My business name comes from what I try to preach to everyone around me. Be yourself. Seriously, there's not another Becky, Ashley, or Amanda. Same name maybe, but not the same person. Everyone is different, everyone is unique. Stop trying to be the other person! Be who you are! Be weird, loud, funny, be the quiet introvert if that's who you are! As long as it is you. And those people who judge or talk about you because of it? Don't worry about them, they don't matter. I grew up hearing "if they love you, they won't care!" and that's probably the best piece of advice I heard as a child. It's true, they will accept you as you are if they truly care about you. So, stop editing yourself, stay true to you!